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De-Mar & Associates, Inc
Parker & Foster Division

Contact Information

Diaphragm Seals Availability

The pipe-mounted diaphragm seal is the most commonly utilized seal in the industrial market.

We specialize in the sizing of diaphragm assemblies for the chemical, wastewater, and automotive industries and pride ourselves in offering a competitively priced product that can normally be delivered within 2 weeks or less.

NIST certification is available upon request.

In order for us to properly size your application, the following information will be required:

  1. The type of pressure gauge that will be mounted on the assembly.
  2. Process media that will be in contact with the diaphragm assembly.
  3. Connection size of instrument housing.
  4. Connection size of process housing.
  5. Material of construction for instrument housing.
  6. Material of construction for process housing.
  7. Material of construction for diaphragm.
  8. Diaphragm fill media required.
  9. Style of diaphragm seal required.
De-Mar & Associates, IncKansas City Phone: 913-381-6810Kansas City Fax: 913-381-9332
Parker & Foster DivisionWichita Phone: 316-794-2686Email: