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De-Mar & Associates, Inc
Parker & Foster Division

Contact Information


All of our industrial thermometers stocked here in our Kansas City office have been assembled with a blue colored spirit (organic) fill in order to be environmentally compliant. We stock both the 3.5" and 6" stem lengths with the 9" adjustable scale case.

Stock ranges for both stem lengths are as follows in a Fahrenheit (°F) only scale:


We stock the 3-4F2, 3-4F5, and 3-4F6 style thermowells for the BX91403.5 thermometers.

We stock the 3-4J2, 3-4JD2, and 3-4JD5 style thermowells for the BX91406 thermometers.

De-Mar & Associates, IncKansas City Phone: 913-381-6810Kansas City Fax: 913-381-9332
Parker & Foster DivisionWichita Phone: 316-794-2686Email: